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On the FX Global Code

One can imagine that institutions that don’t sign up risk losing out on business. Several central banks [have said] they would only maintain counterparty relationships with firms that commit to the Code. 

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12 July 2018

ParFX named ‘Best e-FX Trading Venue’ at FX Week e-FX Awards

ParFX, the wholesale electronic spot FX trading platform, has been named ‘Best e-FX Trading Venue’ at an award ceremony in New York. 

9 July 2018, FX Week

Awards: ParFX*

ParFX introduced a completely new concept to the market when it launched five years ago, to thwart the efforts of high-frequency trading firms gaining an advantage by using technology and ultra low-latency trading – randomisation. This year, ParFX has been voted Best e-FX Trading Venue of the Year at the 2018 FX Week e-FX Awards – its second win since the venue launched. “We’re flattered to a certain degree that a number of platforms have tried to change direction in an attempt to emulate our pure principles,” says Roger Rutherford, chief operating officer of ParFX. “It validates what we’ve been trying to do.”

4 July 2018

ParFX welcomes GFXC’s new leadership team

By Roger Rutherford, COO of ParFX

Last week, the highly anticipated Global Foreign Exchange Committee (GFXC) meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa took place. 

20 June 2018, Euromoney

FX: MTFs still reluctant to move even as Brexit approaches*

ParFX chief operating officer Roger Rutherford says the firm has no plans to move operations, staff or its matching engine away from London at this time.  “As it stands, London accounts for almost 40% of all currency trading, so it makes business sense for us to remain here,” he says.

30 May 2018, TabbForum

FX Industry Pauses for Reflection as Global Code Adoption Gathers Momentum*†

May 25 marked the first of anniversary of the FX Global Code, which aims to instil fairness, transparency and equality in day-to-day market practices. The industry has made good progress to date, but the next few months will be crucial to maintaining momentum.

29 May 2018, Finance Magnates

Exclusive: A Year into the FX Global Code with ParFX COO Roger Rutherford*

To get a complete grasp of the market and the implementation of the Global Code of Conduct into the industry, Finance Magnates spoke to the COO of ParFX, Roger Rutherford.

25 May 2018, Markets Media

FX Global Code Reaches First Anniversary*

The FX Global Code was published in May last year to reform foreign exchange markets and participants are waiting for the outcome of three working groups reviewing last look, anonymous trading and cover-and-deal to see how the guidelines will evolve.

24 May 2018, Euromoney

GFXC plans global index of registers for FX code*

Roger Rutherford, COO at ParFX, says: “The reputational risk of not signing up will grow over time. For now, an institution could probably make a good case for why they haven’t done so yet, because they are waiting for the final details on last look, anonymous trading and cover-and-deal to be decided by the working groups.”

24 May 2018

FX industry pauses for reflection as Global Code adoption gathers momentum

25 May marked the first of anniversary of the FX Global Code, which aims to instil fairness, transparency and equality in day-to-day market practices. The industry has made good progress to date, but the next few months will be crucial to maintaining momentum, writes Roger Rutherford.

19 May 2018, Yahoo! Finance

QSmart Limited - Analyzes Outlook for Forex Market in Asia*

'It is clear that the code is shining a light on areas of the market that have long been overdue for review. Equality, transparency and market conduct have emerged as key industry themes which I feel will continue to dominate discussions over the next year and beyond.' said Roger Rutherford, chief operating officer at trading platform ParFX.


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