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On the FX Global Code

One can imagine that institutions that don’t sign up risk losing out on business. Several central banks [have said] they would only maintain counterparty relationships with firms that commit to the Code. 

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9 April 2019

ParFX Wins Best Trading Platform at the FinTech Breakthrough Awards 2019

ParFX, the wholesale electronic spot FX trading platform, has been named ‘Best Trading Platform’ at the FinTech Breakthrough Awards 2019.

23 January 2019

ParFX wins top accolade at Central Banking Awards 2019

ParFX, the wholesale electronic spot FX trading platform, has been named winner of the Financial Market Infrastructure Services Award at the Central Banking Awards 2019. 

12 July 2018

ParFX named ‘Best e-FX Trading Venue’ at FX Week e-FX Awards

ParFX, the wholesale electronic spot FX trading platform, has been named ‘Best e-FX Trading Venue’ at an award ceremony in New York. 

24 May 2018

FX industry pauses for reflection as Global Code adoption gathers momentum

25 May marked the first of anniversary of the FX Global Code, which aims to instil fairness, transparency and equality in day-to-day market practices. The industry has made good progress to date, but the next few months will be crucial to maintaining momentum, writes Roger Rutherford.

8 February 2018

Shining a light on opaque market data packages

Is there a need for greater transparency in market data pricing? A group of 24 trading institutions, including banks and asset managers, certainly think so. 

1 November 2017

High-frequency trading shifts from speed back to strategy

Faced with diminishing marginal returns and exponential cost increases, electronic high-frequency trading firms that made their fortunes by focusing on low-latency trading strategies are now turning their attention to analytics and smarter trading initiatives in a drive to maintain their competitive advantage.

5 June 2017

Hardwiring best practice into spot FX trading venues

The Bank of International Settlements’ (BIS) foreign exchange (FX) Global Code of Conduct is compelling market participants to take a hard look at established electronic spot FX platforms and ask if they are adopting best practices. 

26 April 2017

ParFX wins ‘Best Trading Platform’ at FinTech Breakthrough Awards 2017

ParFX, the wholesale electronic trading platform, has been named ‘Best Trading Platform’ at the inaugural FinTech Breakthrough Awards.

The FinTech Breakthrough Awards honour excellence in products, people, services, technologies and companies focused on financial technology. The ‘Best Trading Platform’ category recognises ParFX’s success in creating an efficient and future-proofed model for spot FX.

23 September 2015

ParFX boosts currency offering with addition of offshore renminbi

ParFX, the wholesale electronic trading platform, today announced the addition of the offshore renminbi (CNH) as it expands the number of tradeable currencies offered on the platform.

The USD/CNH pair went live on 14 September 2015 following extensive testing, and is a result of global demand from ParFX’s founder banks and customer base, which has expanded significantly since the platform’s inception in June 2013.

19 August 2014

ParFX named Technology Project of the Year

ParFX, the wholesale electronic trading platform delivering renewed transparency and equality in global spot FX, has been named Technology Project of the Year in the Dealing/Trading category by The Banker magazine, in recognition of its success in introducing fairness and equality into the world’s largest financial market – foreign exchange.


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