Roger Rutherford – related links


On the FX Global Code

One can imagine that institutions that don’t sign up risk losing out on business. Several central banks [have said] they would only maintain counterparty relationships with firms that commit to the Code. 

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23 January 2019, Central Banking

Financial market infrastructure services: ParFX*†

A well-functioning foreign exchange (forex) market is important to central banks in ensuring the effective transmission of monetary policy to the real economy and to support price stability. Guy Debelle, deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, referred to it as “one of the most vital parts of the financial plumbing” in his opening remarks at the FX Global Code of Conduct launch. 

23 January 2019, Euromoney

FX credit management: Keeping up with the bots*

Despite room for improvement, ParFX COO Roger Rutherford reckons FX credit and risk management processes have been transformed over the last decade and that adoption of electronic trading, growth of algorithms, proliferation of trading venues and greater number of counterparties have all had an impact on the way credit is allocated and managed. 

18 January 2019, FOW

Spot FX trend won’t impact derivs – ParFX*†

“But whether or not there is a move towards spot FX, this will have no impact on options or non-deliverable forwards (NDFs),” Roger Rutherford, chief operating officer of Tradition-owned FX trading venue ParFX, told FOW.

4 January 2019, FOW

FX market vulnerabilities persist despite good progress – ParFX*†

“It’s clear that market participants still have some key concerns relating to disclosures, behaviour in anonymous trading environments, and a lack of trading transparency," Roger Rutherford, chief operating officer of Tradition-owned FX trading platform ParFX, said.

1 January 2019, FX Week

ParFX: transparency to drive trading practices as Code adoption grows*†

As the number of market participants adopting the FX Global Code of Conduct gathers momentum in 2019, there will be a greater focus on the transparency of trading practices, says Roger Rutherford, chief operating officer at trading venue ParFX.

29 November 2018, e-Forex

Laying the foundations FX takes steps to secure its future*

“The ongoing work is ensuring that the price provider is more open and transparent towards the client and they document it in a way that shows you exactly how they’ll treat you. So, being more open and transparent is an enormous first step,” comments Roger Rutherford chief operating officer at ParFX.

17 October 2018, Euromoney

Speed restrictions give FX market participants the hump *

A number of observers stress the need for transparency. There are legitimate uses for a holding timer in some circumstances, but those uses need to be transparent and clear to all pre-trade, says Roger Rutherford, COO of ParFX. “It is critical that a speed bump – or a randomized matching tool – achieves its purpose of meaningfully protecting traders against bad trading behaviour,” he adds.

17 October 2018, Traders Magazine

SEC Rules for SIFMA in Market Data Case*†

Roger Rutherford, COO of ParFX told Traders Magazine that the SEC’s decision is an eye-opener, not just for those in equities in the US, but across financial markets. It supports the widely held view that there needs to be greater transparency in the pricing of market data.

16 October 2018, FOW

Speed bumps needed to curb “bad trading” – expert*†

The banks that are dominant now were among the first to embrace technology and as a result have built global franchises with embedded risk management, price discovery and execution tools that enable them to manage client flow effectively and cater to a wide range of trading strategies and order types, observes ParFX chief operating officer, Roger Rutherford.

3 October 2018, Euromoney

FX: Market responds to BIS report – ‘That’s evolution, baby’ *

The banks that are dominant now were among the first to embrace technology and as a result have built global franchises with embedded risk management, price discovery and execution tools that enable them to manage client flow effectively and cater to a wide range of trading strategies and order types, observes ParFX chief operating officer, Roger Rutherford.


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